
Journey Fanart


It's a fan artwork of travellers surfing on carpets (real lore) from the game Journey!

Now, this artwork is the most thought-out and the most finished one I've ever really done, as I usually end up cutting the scope of an artwork a lot. I felt both the most dissatisfied and the most happy about it. The initial sketch is like, uh, 2 years old? Yeah. I definitely was way too particular with how I drew it. While working on it very sparringly, the finish line felt to move further and further away until one evening I just sat and decided to finish it - "Whatever I end up with is final".

journey fanart

A lot of artistic choices I made here lead me to an idea of making...

...The Cutout Thingy

Look at this! I made a layered paper cutout thing. Horribly jagged edges and very desaturated print, but it exists! I will say one thing only, and it is that making this one was very theraputic and enjoyable. Honestly I wanna do more IRL stuff.

journey fanart cutout

I had some other thoughts, but, maybe next time.