Why website?

Numbers are a funny thing, and any time I create any sort of social media account I realize how quickly my relationship with the internet points becomes unhealthy.

You'd think I would care less and feel more free about posting stuff here but no, I actually care a bit TOO much about making it good/worthwhile. So, check Extra External Links (below on this page) for some of my not-so-serious stuff. This website is SERIOUS ONLY. urghh!!!

What can I do here?

You can read my blog and look at my art. If you wanna "follow" me, you'd have to visit it on your own. OR get an RSS-reader - an app that can read the universal feed protocol RSS. Many websites provide RSS feeds, for example: You can follow Youtube and even Twitter accounts (could before Musk, idk if you still can) with RSS, and have all posts from all sites in one timeline! How nice!

Why so minimal?

Blah blah blah simplicity blah blah blah.



Extra External Links

Music Reviews (albumoftheyear.org)

Games I worked on (ldjam.com)

Other Website Content

